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20mm Hispano projectile


Well-Known Member
Hi To all,
looking for an id for this 20mm Hispano projectile,ie load, it was painted blue but not original.
It is marked 20MM M99A1 GLN-1-16-68,and has an alloy fuze cap, so as it has a M number and the way the date is configured I would surmise it was of U.S origin. The case has no headstamp or markings.
Does M99A1 'tie up' with being a TP projectile? and does anyone have a photo of one with the original colour of these projectiles?


Sorry no photo's as it would seem the upload seems to be down on the forum but not in albums
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Hi Tony,
Right first time!
I've got one in the collection but will have to wait til tomorrow to photograph.
Many thanks Bob,that is a great help.
Under the 'wrong' blue paint,which came off very easy with my thumbnail, it does look if it had been chemically blackened originaly.

Look forward to seeing your photo

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Hi Tony ,Not the best example of marking but this is the M99 TP projectile as per your one.
Cheers Bob
Many thanks Bob,you are a star.
It looks as if the one I have has survived with the original finish,minus the white markings, after the 'blue paint' removal!

And a big thankyou to Weasel who supplied it,it goes rather well with the U.S 20x110 Oerlikon TP in my collection!
