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20 Pdr Info Needed


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
I picked this 20pdr up recently and was led to belive that a date of 47 would make it a pre production model is this correct..? Any way always nice to get more British ord, Do we have any 20pdr experts out there....i know next to nothing about these.


"empty and inert of course"


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Thanks Spotter,
Maybe when some of the other lads get back from Beltring i will find out some more.

20 Pounder

Hi Weasel, does your round have any "DDL" numbers stamped into the body anywhere ?
"DDL" Design Drawing Land is the designation given to a lot of "experimental" or pre production rounds and will consist of the letters DDL followed by many numbers which are the items design drawing numbers from which the item is produced.

Or maybe there is a trace of the good old "Purple" paint somewhere on the body ?
Nice and probably rare item !
Hope this may help.
Hi Chris 42 RQ,
The only marks i have seen on it are in one of the pictures, not seen a DDL prefix on it. I will pull the projo and look a bit closer maybe a bit of paint left or some more stamps. Thanks for the info.
Best Weasel.