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1941 Fuze for ID, please, and dangerous?


Well-Known Member

Hope I'm in the correct section. Nice new site

Found this today.Could you ID,please, and advise if dangerous since it's half split down the centre and it I think it has a mechanism inside




Is this a spent fuze at 1m 5 seconds into this?
Is this part of a German bomb fuze at 1m 59 secs?
Is this military at 2m 2 secs and 3m 32 secs?

Sorry for all the questions! Good weekend!
Thanks very much for the quick replies! I will put it on my site. There is a split in it....see third photo. Is this dangerous, please? I've put it outside for the minute
Hi Ringo,
Only dangerous if you happen to drop it on your foot, it is expended and safe.
Best regards Weasel.
Hi Ringo,

Object in video between 1m7 and 1m14 looks like an aluminium dome from either a No.207 or No.208 anti-aircraft shell fuze.

No208 normandy falaise 3.jpgNo208Mk6 6.jpg

Would have been used from about 1942 onwards.