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1918, FN and HL27, 155 x 725R - 15 cm Kanone 16 - Germany, Friedrich Niemeyer

John R Blair Jr

Active Member
FN  Friedrich Niemeyer1918  HL27.jpg

155 x 725R - 15 cm Kanone 16 - Germany FN = Friedrich Niemeyer, Germany

Long time nopost! I know RIGHT! I'm an opportunistic ordnance collector Soooo.... sue me ;)
Plus I’m on dial-up only; most of ya’ll don’t even know what that is!?!?!? Very difficult to load anything to BOCN from dial-up!

Got this 8/27/11, gave $85 for it:

I have most ofit figured but, I would be most grateful for any and all info on the; littleB30, the R, and the primer markings, especially that funny lookn FC scriptletter stuff!
Oh! This isjust the Head stamp drawing I made; I’m not going to take a photo you’ll justhave to imagine a tall bronze/brass cylinder pipe looking THANG!
Cpl. Blair (USMC 77-81)
1918, HL27.jpg
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FN is the factory of "Fritz Neumeyer" in Nrnberg, Bavaria (the lists with Friedrich Niemeyer are wrong)
24 is the lot-no., the 24th delivery since production started
HL27 is the acceptance stamp of the government "HauptLaboratorium" in Ingolstadt, Bavaria

on the primer:
your FC is a FL and means "FeuerwerksLaboratorium" Sb is the city of Siegburg, 16 the year of production, BS unknown

the smaller markings on the case are "unofficial" and may be internal factory signs...
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