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18 Pdr Mk.II Identification

Tim M H

New Member
DSC00233.jpgDSC00243.JPGI'm a newbie here, so please forgive any errors or incorrect terminology.....
I've just acquired this carbide lamp on Ebay, made from two cartridge cases. The lower one is an 18-pounder Mk.II. Hopefully the photo will show the markings clearly - I've deciphered some but others fox me completely, so any assistance will be most welcome, particularly on the maker and filling station.

They are:
12:00 - 18PR II
6:00 - 1917 plus circle WD
9:00 - B.A. D.C.P.C plus circle 'H'
3:00 - 19 9 17 355 S plus CF inverted and angled so that it could read 'CF6' with the middle '9'

Thanks to Tony E for information already received concerning 'CF' & circle 'H' markings
Might the 'S' mean scleroscope inspected, and how does that work?

The upper case has no markings, presumably lost during conversion. All I can say is that it's 80mm in diameter - it has been suggested that this is a German 77x230 case from the size and the crimping rings - anybody have any thoughts on that?

The lamp is fairly crudely made, the two halves don't quite line up straight and much use has clearly been made of a large hammer. An interesting feature is that the water filler cap and maybe other parts, are of German origin - the cap itself is stamped 'Kosmos-Brenner'. Kosmos were a well-known maker of mainly oil lamps. Another case of 'if only it could talk'! The lamp is, I'm certain, British-made. Apart from the cartridge cases, the burner is a British Bray type. I'm restoring the lamp to working order and have sourced a new burner to replace the old broken one. The outlet pipe is also broken and was placed on for the photos. This will have to be resoldered and lightly reinforced to ensure it's gas-tight.

Thanks in advance for any help.
