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Any Ideas About The Blue Light?

Any Ideas About The Blue Light?

Are you certian that it is in fact some sort of light? It seems to be shoved down into a storage bin that is divided into two compartments. It does not appear to be articulated in any way ... how would it be deployed? There is some kind of "box" mounted to its right with some sort of upright bracket-like thing sticking up. A mount?
If it is a light the blue would suggest a high intensity halogen type spotlight similar to those bluish ones on cars. Infared would be dark blood red to black so I doubt its that. Good luck on that one. If you do find out for sure please let me know.
P.S.,I got a kick out of your "spring" photos of the "Pollywogs" (frog hatchlings?) as we used to call them. I havn't seen any around here since I was a kid!
defo a blue light mate, a mate of mine reckons the tank is a U.S.A one(but he is no expert!),we get a load of tadpoles(polywogs) every year in the puddles out there but it is a shame as most of the puddles dry up before they turn into frogs/toads and many thousands of them die

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